Milwaukee Running Club

Training Tips


What is the most important part of training? Rest. Followed right behind hydration. There is something to be said for getting your body in the proper condition to try a longer race, but do not underestimate the impact rest and hydration have on maintaining your body. Breathing exercises will help you learn how to control and pace your breathing during longer distance runs. Run.

Upcoming Races


There are several upcoming events - probably more enjoyable now that the weather is PERFECT for getting out there to run! Stay tuned for more information on these upcoming events:

  • Memorial Day Dash: 5/25/24
  • Pride Dash: 6/1/24
  • Father's Day Dash: 6/16/24

Featured Runner


In the winter time when the air is too cold for running John Smith likes to cross country ski. Cross country sking is a great workout and is easier on the joints then running (assuming you don't fall). John also enjoys runs on the beach, preferably at sunrise because people who like to run also seem to enjoy getting up at 4am.